Marshall and Payne Family Genealogy – Mobile

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This site is a compilation of the following families: Herbert Robert Marshall and Mary Mellissa Payne showing their ancestors and decedents.

The Marshall records were researched and organized by Maxine Taylor Marshall (Glen Rufus). The Payne family was organized by many Payne family members and collated by Maxine.

This online database was created using the records provided by these various family members which were scanned and inputted by Dianne Schamp (Lenore) Scudder with the assistance of her husband Rich.

The Marshall Photos were organized by Sandy (Lyle) Kissner. Additional records and details were researched using these online resources (Family Search and

The Payne Photos were also scanned by Dianne and edited by Rich Scudder, We have uploaded only a few photos at this time, more to come.

It is our pleasure to provide this site and hope you enjoy researching your family members and viewing the photo galleries.

Dianne and Rich Scudder
Contact Us with any questions or to submit new information on people in the database or new family members

Note:  Other families included in this database are the Schamp (Osborn, Mack, Walcher, and Ware). Other families can be added as the information becomes available.

This is the Phone Version of the documentation. To get a better view, you can rotate your phone (counter-clockwise) on most pages of this site.

How to Register or Login:

Click this link: to access the site: You will see the page shown below if you are not logged in.

If you have already Registered, then click the Login word, this will take you to the Login page. Enter your username/email and password and check I’m not a robot box, then click Login button

Having problems logging in? Contact Us

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated The Red Arrow is you Menu Access

If you have not registered, then click the Register word, this will take you to the Register page, where you can complete the form shown below.

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To protect the access to this valuable information your registration will be reviewed, and you’ll receive an acknowledgement email stating that your account has been created.

These are the pages that you can view (touch) on menu , then touch link:

About Marshall Payne Genealogy
Our Family History Genealogy,
Marshall Family Photo Gallery,
Payne Family Photo Gallery,
Family Members (Directory),
My Account page,
My Profile page
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Our Family History Genealogy Page:

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Purple Arrow: Return to Main Search (Quick Search) page

Green Arrow: Search fields, The First Name field can contain First and Middle Name, or Middle Initial.  Do not include suffixes in the Last Name field ‘only surnames’

Red Arrow: Advanced Search page.

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Blue Arrow: Search Tips page. This page shows all the features for refining your search.

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Orange Arrow: Other Pages – Some of these pages may not have any content at this point.

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All Media / Albums – Photos loaded to the database, All photos are also available at these Photo Galleries (click on image to go there)

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Dates and Anniversaries: Check out what happened on this date (all years of single year.

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Notes: Lists Note field content.

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Places: Shows where people were born, not where they currently live.

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Sources: Where did we find this information.

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Marshall & Payne Family Photo Galleries: You can scroll through the photos and add comments if you’d like for others to see. (click on image to Go There.

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Family Member Directory: You can see profiles of other members who have shared their information and you can edit your profile from this page or use the My Profile page (these are test accounts only)

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My Account: You can make changes to your account – Only you can see this account information.

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You can hide your profile (Privacy option):

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My Profile: You can make changes to your profile Click the Gear graphic to edit your profile fields .

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